How to Join

All Greeks are True Buffs for Life!

Join the Largest and fastest growing Greek Community in Colorado!

What is Rush:

Rush is what the Fraternity system refers to as an open house orientation. During Rush, you can meet the 21 CU Fraternities, see their houses, find out what makes each one unique, and decide which one is for you. Rush is roughly two weeks long and happens near the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Anyone can take part in rush, and if you are serious about wanting to join a brotherhood, you can register here on this site.

If you have any questions, email us at

Why Join?

+ Make Lifelong Friends

Joining a fraternity is about making friends with guys who are just like you. They like to have fun, are serious about college, and want to succeed. Fraternity men are winners and are looking for guys like you. There is a fraternity for everybody! Receive Academic Support You've got to succeed academically in order to be a good fraternity brother. Let the fraternity help you succeed. Older brothers serve as tutors and mentors for new members. Many fraternities offer scholarships to brothers who do well. No matter what your major, you can join a fraternity.

+ Be the Leader

Use the skills and talents you've developed by being a leader in a fraternity. You can find leadership opportunities from the beginning of your membership through your entire college experience. Many fraternities offer nationally recognized leadership programs that help give you an advantage over others. The diversity of each fraternity means that everyone is welcome.

+ Enjoy Social Activities & Sports

Sitting alone in your room doesn't lead to many lasting memories of college. There are a variety of social activities that fraternity men become involved in. Intramural sports are an important part of the fraternity experience. Whatever your skill, whatever your interest, there is a team for you to participate on. There are social activities for everyone, whether you prefer small groups or large crowds. These activities connect you to your fraternity, the Greek community, and the campus.

Greek Terms


The governing body of local chapters from the National Interfraternity Conference member fraternities.

+ Fraternity

A Greek lettered Brotherhood.

+ National

The governing body and staff of each National Fraternity.

+ Chapter

The local chartered unit of a National Fraternity.

+ Formal Rush

The major rushing period of the year, with predetermined dates and time for rushing. During this time, our fraternities will hold open houses for you to visit their chapters and meet the brotherhood. Formal rush will begin 9/13/2023.

+ Open House

A free time when a rushee can visit any fraternity house. Please refer to our current Rush Schedule to find out when open houses will be held.

+ Potential New Member (PNM) / Rushee

A non-fraternity member who is visiting fraternities as a guest with the possible intention of pledging.

+ Bid

An invitation to join a fraternity issued in writing directly from the fraternity chapter to a rushee during IFC on the Hill's formal rush period.

+ COB (Continuous Open Bid) / Pre-Bid

An invitation to join a fraternity issued in writing directly from the fraternity chapter to a rushee at any point outside of IFC on the Hill's formal rush period.

+ Legacy

A direct relative (brother, son, nephew, etc.) of an active/alumni fraternity member.

+ Pledge

A man who has gone through formal pledging ceremonies, and is learning the history and purposes of his fraternity but has not yet been initiated into lifelong membership.

+ Initiation

The formal ceremonies in which a pledge becomes a lifelong fraternity member.

+ Active

A collegiate man who has been initiated into lifelong membership in a fraternity, still currently enrolled in college.

+ Alumnus

A man who was an active collegiate member of a fraternity and has now graduated.

Frequently Asked Questions:

+ How do I know if I am the "Greek Type"?

First off, there is no "Greek Type." Most of the stereotypes about Greek membership are myths. One of the strengths of the Colorado Greek Community is the diversity of its members. Each organization consists of members who have varied interests, backgrounds, and ethnicities. You will quickly realize that the traditional "Frat boy" exists only in movies.

+ How much time does a Greek Organization take?

Some organizations require more time than others. Be sure to ask questions regarding time commitments during recruitment. Chapters will focus much of their educational programing on teaching members to manage their time efficiently. Most fraternity men will gain more Time Management skills through their fraternal involvement, than they have ever gained in their lives.

+ Isn't there a lot of alcohol/substance abuse associated with fraternities?

Although the social aspect of Greek Life is one of the major reasons that students get involved in fraternities and sororities, alcohol and substance abuse is not tolerated. Our organizations participate in mandatory educational sessions on the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse. Precautions are taken at all events to ensure a safe environment.

+ Do fraternities haze?

Physical and mental hazing is prohibited by the national Greek organizations and by the laws of the State of Colorado. Fortunately, most Greeks recognize that hazing has no place in their organizations. IFC on the Hill does not tolerate hazing in any capacity. Our organization mandates hazing awareness education for all new members and chapter leaders.

+ What effect will being in a fraternity have on my grades?

Fraternities offer study halls, tutoring programs, grade point requirements, and other programs to help meet the academic needs of their members. Fraternities were founded on principles that place scholarship as their members' top priority.

+ Will I be required to live in the chapter house?

Each chapter has a different policy for residency, depending on the capacity of their house. Some chapters don't utilize houses so there is no live in requirement for them. Most students that join during their first year move into the chapter house as sophomores.

+ If I am new to Colorado, wouldn't it be better to get my feet on the ground before I join a Greek Organization?

Adjusting to college life is often a confusing process. By joining a fraternity your first semester, you can have an immediate family of friends, all willing to help you cope with the hassles of college life and experiences you'll face.

+ What am I going to get out of this?

You'll be amazed at what you will get from a fraternity experience. Joining a fraternity rounds out the collegiate experience. We often say that you get a complete education in a fraternity. Here's what a fraternity offers: lifelong friends, leadership opportunities, social and sports activities, academic support and excellence, and networking opportunities.

+ What are the total costs to be a member of a fraternity?

Each fraternity is self-supported through dues charged to all members. In the first year of membership, a few one-time expenses are assessed. After those initial payments are made, your son's only expense will be his regular dues. If housing is offered, fraternity lodging and meals are competitive with other housing options. A variety of payment plans are usually offered.

+ Who is actually in charge of the fraternity?

Fraternity members elected to officer positions manage the day-to-day operations of the organization. These officers are assisted by members serving on committees and by alumni who act as advisors. In addition, most fraternities are part of a national fraternity organization which offers support, advice, and direction through a paid professional staff and regional volunteers. Professional staff from the college and university are also employed to assist and monitor the activities of fraternities. As you can see, a variety of individuals oversee the operations of the fraternity.

+ Do I have to register with IFC for Recruitment?

Yes, you must register with IFC in order to be eligible to recieve a bid. Please fill out the recruitment form available on this website.

+ Do I have to join a fraternity in the fall semester?

No. Many men join in the fall, however there are some that choose to wait for the formal spring recruitment period. IFC on the Hill also allows chapters to participate in continuous recruitment, meaning you are allowed to join a fraternity at any time deemed appropriate by chapter leadership.

IFC on the Hill - Spring 2025 Rush